WASHINGTON (September 30, 2021) — The Public Lands Council (PLC) announced this week that they will provide over $450,000 in grant funding to multiple cattle groups, university research teams, and federal land-focused organizations to support research and educational programs that strengthen the future of public lands livestock production.
The grant recipients for 2022 are the Western Resources Legal Center (WRLC), Idaho Cattle Association (ICA), Oregon State University (OSU), Foundation for Ranch Management, Oregon Cattlemen’s Association (OCA), and University of Nevada-Reno.
“Part of PLC’s mission is supporting external programs that enhance the current work of public lands ranchers and ensure a strong, viable future for our industry. We are proud to partner with these individuals and organizations on projects that will bolster our ability to advocate for grazing as a necessary component of conservation and federal lands management,” said PLC President Niels Hansen. “This year’s awardees stood out among a competitive pool of applicants, and we look forward to our work together in the coming year.”
WRLC will receive a grant to expand their program that educates attorneys on natural resource law and public lands advocacy.
“WRLC is incredibly proud of our continuing partnership with PLC and grateful for their generous support of our program. Our relationship with PLC allows our program to fulfill our mission of teaching law students legal skills and knowledge of natural resources and environmental laws. WRLC is committed to training students today who will be our nation’s future attorneys, judges, policymakers, and advocates on behalf of grazing, public lands ranching, and natural resources industries,” said WRLC Executive Director Caroline Lobdell.
ICA will receive a grant to continue their research project with the University of Idaho Rangeland Center on the impact cattle grazing has on sage grouse.
“Thank you to PLC for their continued support. This research will provide tangible evidence to guide livestock production across the West,” said Director of the University of Idaho Rangeland Center Karen Launchbaugh.
“The Idaho Cattle Association has supported the economic viability and continual environmental improvement of ranchers for more than a century. Many of the priorities we are pursuing on behalf of our members overlap with the mission of PLC, and we look forward to building further on our partnership,” said ICA Natural Resources Policy Director Karen Williams.
OSU will receive a grant to conduct research and extension education programs on fine fuels management in the Northern Great Basin.
“This funding will make a meaningful difference in our work to better understand and educate people on western rangeland fuel management. Due to the risk of catastrophic wildfires on federal lands, this issue is unfortunately very timely for public lands ranchers, and we thank PLC for their support,” said Sergio Arispe, Associate Professor of Animal and Rangeland Science.
The Foundation for Ranch Management will receive a grant for creating and distributing a booklet on Western ranching to urban residents newly arrived in rural communities.
“Too often, urban Americans make decisions about ranching and public lands management without understanding the history, culture, and present-day impact of these communities. We appreciate PLC’s support as we work to share the good work that ranchers are doing to protect ecosystems and support rural economies across the West,” said Foundation for Ranch Management President Dan Leahy.
OCA will receive a grant to continue their work on establishing a common monitoring system for riparian areas across federal agencies.
“The allotment monitoring that is done on federal lands underpins many of the policies that impact livestock ranchers. Uniformity in that monitoring is key to making sound, workable decisions. I thank PLC for their support of this project,” said Retired Professor of Range Ecology Larry Larson.
The University of Nevada-Reno will receive a grant to develop an outreach strategy related to a PLC-funded study on dormant season grazing.
“This grant from the Public Lands Council will allow us to expand our outreach efforts and bring the latest sound science on rangeland ecology and management to a broader audience. We appreciate PLC’s partnership as we work to communicate on outcome-based management with everyone from Western ranchers to Washington, D.C. officials,” said UNR Chair of Agriculture, Veterinary & Rangeland Sciences Barry Perryman.