Opportunities for Grant Funding

Federal grazing permittees face unique political, environmental, and economic challenges that set them apart from livestock producers in other regions of the country. They are also uniquely positioned at the nexus of many of the most pressing policy concerns of our time – wildfire mitigation, water access and quality, rangeland and soil health, carbon sequestration, wildlife conservation and management, safeguarding the future of multiple use on federal lands, to name just a few. Public lands ranchers form the backbone of many rural communities and local economies, play a vital role in our national food supply chain, and lead the way in innovative and responsible stewardship of landscapes across the West.

For more than a decade, PLC has offered funding opportunities to partners who can answer key questions about natural resources issues, develop materials to support public lands grazing, educate key constituencies, and more. Funding from PLC is available in two methods:


RFPs: PLC periodically opens Requests for Proposals on issues related to public lands grazing. Announcements of active RFPs will be made on this page and in PLC press releases. Please contact us to be included on the list for calls for proposals.

  • There are no active RFPs. Please check back soon. 


Notices of Funding Opportunity: At any point during the year, individuals and groups may submit for consideration proposals that meet PLC’s Guidelines for Distribution. Project funding requests must meet the following criteria:

  1. Projects must serve the purpose of maintaining, protecting, enhancing, and preserving public lands grazing and be focused on improving the conditions for those engaged in the livestock grazing industry on public lands.
  2. Administrative costs of the projects may not exceed 7.5% of the total project cost.


For more information or to contact PLC with questions, please email Will Baugh at wbaugh@beef.org.